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Olive Flounder Farming

To get started and become successful in aquaculture strongly depends on what species of fish you are trying to grow.

Olive flounders, Paralichthys olivaceus, are commercially valuable and critical marine species that has the highest valued finfish in the world and has been the top product in Korea for more than 20 years.

The widespread success of commercial flounder culture is due to its high growth rate, higher feed efficiency, tolerance to water temperature changes, availability of year-round hatchery-produced seeds, and resistance to diseases.

Olive flounder is a highly valued fish among seafood consumers.

Almost all fish, but not every one of them, is edible raw.  Since flounder fillets are white, an appealing firm texture and a mild seafood taste have made it a suitable species for Sushi and Sashimi.

Olive flounder is among a few species that are used for Sushi and Sashimi. Its meat is best served cut thinly, and the color combination of Salmon and Tuna (white, pink, and red) appeals to all raw fish consumers.

In Korea, Olive flounder is extremely popular due to its good taste and dress-out yield. It is served in several ways, with raw being the most popular. (1).jpg

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